Walnut Grove Smiles
Dental Hygiene in Langley
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Dental Hygiene Near You

Keeping our teeth and surrounding oral cavity clean is crucial to maintaining a healthy smile. Every one of our oral structures works in tandem, allowing us to communicate with others and nourish our bodies by enjoying good food. As a result, we need to be mindful of our hygiene practices.

If you have questions about dental hygiene or hygiene treatments, consider contacting our dentist in Langley. Every member of our staff is at your disposal and works hard to ensure that your smile is beautiful and healthy when you live here.

What is Dental Hygiene?

Oral hygiene can be defined as the practice of looking after your oral health to prevent serious conditions from manifesting and causing damage to your smile; examples include cavities, infections, bad breath, and gum disease.

This particular aspect of oral healthcare encompasses a variety of practices that patients can adopt into their regular routines:

  • Brushing and Flossing. Patients should be cleaning their teeth at least twice a day. Brushing and flossing removes debris and other particles that can lead to decay if left to amalgamate. It is recommended that you clean your teeth in the morning and before bed; however, ideally, you should brush after each meal.
Dr. Peter Servinis
  • Eating Well. Consuming fruits, vegetables, and dairy products will keep your teeth healthy and bright. The calcium in milk and cheese keeps your bones strong.
  • Drinking Water. Your body needs water to stay hydrated; it also helps wash bacteria from your mouth.
  • Avoid Tobacco. Products like cigars, cigarettes, and pipes that contain tobacco are notorious for causing gum disease and, in more extreme cases, oral cancer.

Using fluoride mouthwash, wearing a mouth guard, and not using your teeth as tools are a few other simple yet effective things you can do to keep your smile in good condition for many years.

Dental Cleanings

Attending a dental checkup and cleaning is another notable part of experiencing optimal dental hygiene in Langley. Patients experiencing more complex issues like gingivitis (the beginning stage of gum disease) or missing teeth may need to attend appointments more frequently. However, the general rule is to have your smile cleaned biannually.

Dental cleanings can be completed in 60 to 90 minutes and involve the following:

  1. Scaling – A scaler is an instrument used to scrape plaque and tarter from your smile and along your gums.
  2. Brushing – Once all the debris is removed, your smile is brushed with a special toothpaste; its’ gritty texture helps eliminate stains.
  3. Flossing – Next, your teeth are thoroughly flossed to ensure no unhealthy particles are lingering in those hard-to-reach places, especially near your molars.
  4. Fluoride – Fluoride is spread across your smile as a varnish, gel, or foam. This mineral exists naturally and is excellent at protecting your teeth from cavities. It will sit on your teeth for a minute before being wiped off.

Stop by Walnut Grove Smiles Today

Our skilled and passionate staff at Walnut Grove Smiles look forward to your visit! Whatever type of service you require to keep your teeth and gums functioning properly and looking beautiful, we can provide.

Contact us by calling or emailing, and we’ll help you select a day and time for treatment. Our dentist near you is excited to meet with you!