Walnut Grove Smiles

Root Canals in Langley

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Root Canal Treatment Near You

The pulp is the innermost area of our tooth. This is where nerves and connective vessels are found, supplying blood, minerals, and nutrients to keep our smiles healthy and functional. The pulp is quite a delicate, fleshy sac and is vulnerable to damage if you do not look after your oral health. The only way to address this issue is by visiting a dentist in Langley and undergoing a root canal.

If you’ve been told that you require this restorative treatment, please get in touch with our staff here at Walnut Grove Smiles. We are here to assist you as you navigate this phase in your dental journey.

How Can Your Pulp Become Damaged

Even though our teeth are strong and we do our best to keep them in good condition, they are still vulnerable to injury. Pulp damage can occur due to any of the following:

  • Extensive tooth decay
  • Trauma from sports or an accident
  • Cracks
  • Repeated dental procedures on the tooth
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth grinding

Tooth and jaw pain, swelling, a blackened tooth, and having trouble eating are just a few symptoms that can arise when your pulp is unhealthy. If you begin to experience such symptoms, it is important that you contact one of our dentists near you as soon as possible.

Dr. Peter Servinis

What the Procedure Involves

Dentists do their utmost to restore your tooth and improve the health of your entire smile. Endodontic therapy is one of the most successful methods to achieve this. Also known as a root canal, this treatment involves drilling inside your tooth and removing the entirety of the damaged pulp.

You must speak with your dentist or a dental specialist before undergoing treatment. Root canal therapy is a more invasive procedure that may not be suitable for every patient; your smile must be thoroughly assessed first with a visual inspection and x-rays. Once you’re approved, your dentist can begin.

  1. First, local anesthesia is provided to prevent you from feeling any sensitivity or pain. If you deal with higher levels of anxiety or fear, your dentist may recommend sedation dentistry.
  2. The unhealthy tooth is isolated using a rubber dam, allowing your dentist to access it better. Then, an opening is made in the tooth’s structure to reach the pulp chamber.
  3. Every bit of the diseased pulp is extracted with special dental instruments. Your dentist will comprehensively clean and shape the newly emptied chamber.
  4. Gutta-percha, a biocompatible material, fills the space, preventing further infection.
  5. A temporary dental restoration, typically a dental crown, is applied over the tooth. You’ll be given a permanent crown that perfectly fits your tooth’s dimensions; it takes 2-3 weeks to be created at an external dental lab.
  6. Your dentist will have you return for follow-up appointments so they can place the permanent crown and monitor the health of your tooth.

Have questions? Make sure that you let your dentist know so they can address them. Additionally, your dental crown will be designed from porcelain or composite resin so it matches the natural color of your surrounding teeth; no one will be able to tell that you’ve had restorative dental work done.

By maintaining a proper hygiene regime at home, the results of your treatment will last for several years.

Visit Our Dental Office for Lasting Care

Our staff is here to walk alongside you as you navigate your lifelong dental journey. If you’re looking to schedule a session to acquire root canal treatment in Langley, don’t hesitate to contact us at Walnut Grove Smiles. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you get your smile back on track.

Call or email us to get started!