Walnut Grove Smiles
Sedation Dentistry in Langley
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Sedation Dentistry Near You

Dentists provide sedation dentistry to aid patients who feel uncomfortable or fearful when getting dental treatment. The medication can be administered in a few different ways depending on one’s preferences and the type of procedure they receive.

We are glad to provide sedation dentistry care to patients of all ages at Walnut Groves Smiles. Book a session with our dentist near you today to learn more.

Why Would I Need Sedation Dentistry?

Dentists may advise sedation dentistry to patients for several reasons in addition to managing their anxiety, such as:

  • If you need a complex or lengthy procedure
  • You have high oral sensitivity
  • You feel claustrophobic in the dental chair
  • Have an overactive gag reflex
  • A patient has special needs

Before proceeding with any treatment, your dentist in Langley will carefully evaluate your case. If you have queries or concerns about any aspect of this service, make sure to let your dentist know so they can address them immediately.

Dr. Peter Servinis

What We Provide

At Walnut Grove Smiles, we offer three forms of dental sedation, each of which is described below:

1. Nitrous Oxide
Known by most as “laughing gas”, this method entails placing a mask over the patient’s nose so they can breathe in the medication. It takes effect and wears off quickly, allowing you to leave the clinic and resume your day without trouble. Nitrous oxide is a low level of sedation, and patients are kept awake while their smile is treated. You will be able to respond to questions posed by your dentist if needed.

2. Oral
As the name indicates, the sedation medication is administered via a small pill that you will take a few hours before your session. It is stronger than nitrous oxide so you may feel a bit tired during the procedure.

3. Intravenous
The sedation medication is provided via an injection directly into your bloodstream. Throughout the appointment, your dentist will carefully monitor your vitals and adjust the medication if necessary. You will most likely end up drifting off before the procedure ends. As a result, it is important that you have someone who can take you to and from the clinic.

Everyone deserves to access quality oral health care and feel at ease throughout their session. Our team is passionate about patient comfort, and we will do all we can to ensure your time with us is pleasant and smooth.

Schedule a Visit with Us Today

Don’t let your nerves stand in the way of acquiring the help you need – call or email our local dental team today to arrange a consultation. We are happy to explain what it means to receive sedation dentistry near you and how it can lead to a positive dental experience.